OAT is an Open Source Microsoft OCS Assessment Tool designed to check the password strength of Lync and Microsoft Office Communication Server users. After a password is compromised, OAT demonstrates potential UC attacks that can be performed by legitimate users if proper security controls are not in place. We first wrote about OAT when it […]
NSA Large Scale TURBINE Malware Also Target Sysadmins
So more revelations coming out about the NSA from the latest batch of documents leaked by Edward Snowden. This time they detail a huge malware infection system created for widespread infections, it seems fairly advanced with the ability to spit out different types of malware depending on the target. Other than the TURBINE malware engine, […]
SIPVicious SIP Scanner – VoIP Hacking Security Auditing Tool
SIPVicious SIP Scanner is a suite of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. Why the name? Because the tools are not exactly the nicest thing on earth next to a SIP device. Features for SIP Hacking with SIPVicious It currently consists of five tools: svmap – This is a sip […]
UCSniff 3.0 Released – VoIP/IP Video Sniffing Tool
[ad] UCSniff is a VoIP & IP Video Security Assessment tool that integrates existing open source software into several useful features, allowing VoIP and IP Video owners and security professionals to rapidly test for the threat of unauthorized VoIP and Video Eavesdropping. Written in C/C++, and available on Linux and Windows, the software is free […]
VIPER Lab’s VAST Live Distro – VoIP Security Testing LiveCD
[ad] VAST is a VIPER Lab live distribution that contains VIPER developed tools such as UCsniff, VoipHopper, Videojak, videosnarf, ACE, Warvox, and more. Along with VIPER tools and other essential VoIP security tools, it also contains tools penetration testers utilize such as Metasploit, Nmap, Netcat, Hydra, Hping2 etc. This distribution is a work in progress. […]