HardCIDR is a Linux Bash script to discover the netblocks, or ranges, (in CIDR notation) owned by the target organization during the intelligence gathering phase of a penetration test.
Network Hacking
T50 – The Fastest Mixed Packet Injector Tool
T50 (f.k.a. F22 Raptor) is a high performance mixed packet injector tool designed to perform Stress Testing. The concept started on 2001, right after release ‘nb-isakmp.c‘, and the main goal was to have a tool to perform TCP/IP protocol fuzzing, covering common regular protocols, such as: ICMP, TCP and UDP. Why Stress Testing? Why Stress […]
PenTools – Penetration Testing Tools Bundle
PenTools is a bundle of Python and Bash penetration testing tools for the recon and information gathering stage of a PT or VA. They are fairly simple scripts but might be interesting if you are new and want to see how some things are done, or how things can be automated using Python or Bash. […]
ZGrab – Application Layer Scanner For ZMap
ZGrab is a Go-based application layer scanner that operates with ZMap and supports multiple protocols and services including TLS, IMAP, SMTP, POP3 etc. It also stores TLS version and can detect Heartbleed. Building You will need to have a valid $GOPATH set up, for more information about $GOPATH, see https://golang.org/doc/code.html. Once you have a working […]
BetterCap – Modular, Portable MiTM Framework
BetterCAP is a powerful, modular, portable MiTM framework that allows you to perform various types of Man-In-The-Middle attacks against the network. It can also help to manipulate HTTP and HTTPS traffic in real-time and much more. BetterCap has some pretty impressive Spoofing abilities with multiple host discovery (just launch the tool and it will start […]