[ad] It’s been a while since I’ve seen a tool of this type, back in the heydays of Google Hacking (which became the generic term for information gathering via search engines) there were multiple tools such as Gooscan and Goolag. Binging is a simple tool to query Bing search engine. It will use your Bing […]
IT Managers Under-Estimate Impact Of Data Loss
[ad] I find it a little surprising in this day and age that such a low percentage of IT managers believe data loss is a low impact issue. Don’t they read the news? Don’t they understand how losing customer trust can really effect your bottom-line? I would have thought 30% of respondents thinking data loss […]
Google Hacking Back in The News – Google Takes Action
[ad] Google hacking was the big thing back in 2004, I actually did a talk on it in Hack in the Box 2004, it’s resurfaced again as a serious threat with Google noticing more queries relating to things like social security numbers. The Google Hacking Database has been active for years now and there are […]
TJX Employee Fired for Trying to Fix Things
[ad] Ah TJX in the news again….after previously having the Largest Breach of Customer Data in U.S. History, now they are screwing people over that try to help them and their seemingly ridiculous information security policies. Hello blank passwords? Sounds crazy but I believe it happens, at more places than just TJX. It’s sad that […]
argus – Auditing Network Activity – Performance & Status Monitoring
[ad] Another tool for the security side, good for forensics, monitoring and auditing. Argus is a fixed-model Real Time Flow Monitor designed to track and report on the status and performance of all network transactions seen in a data network traffic stream. Argus provides a common data format for reporting flow metrics such as connectivity, […]