VAST is a VIPER Lab live distribution that contains VIPER developed tools such as UCsniff, VoipHopper, Videojak, videosnarf, ACE, Warvox, and more. Along with VIPER tools and other essential VoIP security tools, it also contains tools penetration testers utilize such as Metasploit, Nmap, Netcat, Hydra, Hping2 etc.
This distribution is a work in progress. If you would like to see a tool or package included please feel free to suggest them to the author.
VAST also has built into synaptic package manager a third party repository link for the VIPER tools, so when you update a tool it’s as easy as “apt-get”.
- Size 900MB
- Built on Ubuntu 9.04
- Full language pack
- git,apt-get,svn
- Includes custom repository for VIPER tools
Tool List
- UCsniff
- VideoSnarf
- Videojak
- Metasploit
- SecurLogix Tools
- Hydra
- Nmap
- tshark
- Sipvicious
- SIPp
- Netcat
- Warvox
- Hping2
You can download VAST here:
Or read more here.
cbrp1r8 says
anyone used this yet? seeing any benefit from the voip tools on a pentest pack?
d3m4s1@d0v1v0 says
Another interesting live-cd… I’m overloaded of good tools, but it’s always useful to have options in the list.
Like always, thanks for sharing!