This is not the first IoT heavy botnet, Mirai takes that title, the interesting part is the Hajime botnet appears to be benign. So far no malicious functions have been detected in the codebase, other than the ability to replicate itself and block other malware, Hajime seems to have no DDoS or offensive mechanisms. Hajime […]
Ending The Year With A 650Gbps DDoS Attack
It seems that 2016 has been the year of immense DDoS attacks, many coming from Mirai. This seems to be a newcomer though ending the year with a 650Gbps DDoS attack. The Dyn DNS DDoS attack that some speculated reached over 1Tbps was probably the biggest, but this isn’t that far behind and it’s bigger […]
Pirated ‘Watch Dogs’ Game Made A Bitcoin Mining Botnet
Pretty smart idea this one, we wrote about Yahoo! spreading Bitcoin mining malware back in January, but we haven’t really seen any of that type of activity since then. But this, this is a much better target audience – gamers with high powered GPUs! Especially as this is one of most hyped ‘next-gen’ games for […]
Security Researchers Discover 4 Million Strong ‘Indestructible’ Botnet – TDSS/TDL
It’s been recently uncovered that there’s a HUGE botnet, which is extremely advanced and constantly evolving a variant of the ever popular (and usually quite advanced) TDL strain. We did write about a TDL variant earlier in 2010 – TDL AKA Alureon Rootkit Now Infecting 64-Bit Windows 7 Platform. TDL itself has been around several […]
Digital Underground Offering Cheap Botnets For Hire
Perhaps even the cyber-criminals are effected by the recent recession – botnets for hire are hitting rock-bottom rates starting at just $2. We reported back in April 2010 about the Texas Man Who Pleaded Guilty To Bot Network For Hire. They are becoming more multi-talented as well rather than just offering bot networks for DDoS […]