Phishing Frenzy is an Open Source Ruby on Rails e-mail phishing framework designed to help penetration testers manage multiple, complex phishing campaigns. The goal of the project is to streamline the phishing process while still providing clients the best realistic phishing campaign possible. This goal is obtainable through campaign management, template reuse, statistical generation, and […]
Social Engineering
sptoolkit Rebirth – Simple Phishing Toolkit
The sptoolkit (rebirth) or Simple Phishing Toolkit project is an open source phishing education toolkit that aims to help in securing the mind as opposed to securing computers. Organizations spend billions of dollars annually in an effort to safeguard information systems, but spend little to nothing on the under trained and susceptible minds that operate […]
A Story Of Social Engineering – How @N Lost His $50,000 Twitter Handle
So last week I read an interesting tale about social engineering on Medium, a story by a chap named Naoki Hiroshima and his Twitter handle, which was @N. Yes just one letter, a pretty rare and it seems valuable handle as he had offers of up to $50,000 for it. In the end though, someone […]
spt v0.6.0 – Simple Phishing Toolkit Available For Download
spt is a simple concept with powerful possibilities. It is what it’s name implies: a simple phishing toolkit. The basic idea the spt project had was “Wouldn’t it be cool if there were a simple, effective, easy to use and free (most importantly!) tool that information security professionals could use to evaluate and train what […]
Hacker On Hacker Action – Zeus Botmaster Targets Anonymous Supporters
It somehow reminds me of the oldskool game Spy vs Spy, anyone remember that? Anyhow, that’s off-topic right now. The news is, some smart malware pimp managed to dupe a whole bunch of Anonymous supporters into installing the Zeus botnet – when they thought they were getting a DDoS tool. It’s a pretty big base […]