[ad] I personally received the following direct message on Twitter from someone I know quite well: hey! check out this funny blog about you… http://jannawalitax.blogspot.com/ It’s a link to a fake blogspot URL that redirects to a phishing URL for Twitter, it looks the same as the real login page but the actual URL is: […]
Dshocker AKA Aush0k Hacker Pleads Guilty to Computer Felonies
[ad] Another teen hacker in the news, this guy looks like he has some formidable skills though with the list of crimes he’s perpetrated. He’s pleaded guilty though, so he should get a reduced sentence and he’s still classified as a juvenile offender being only 17 – so that works in his favour too. A […]
Three Charged With Hacking Dave & Buster’s Chain
[ad] Another big heist in the US netting a whole lot of juicy information on credit and debit cards, over half a million USD lost in this case alone. There’s a whole lot of fraud going on.. Not bad for fiddling with the cash register system of a restaurant chain. It just shows, anyone dealing […]
Hacking Does Pay! US Law Let’s Hacker Keep Fraudulent Earnings
[ad] Ah I think it’s time for controversy on a Tuesday, what do you think about this case where a hacker got some info on a company about it’s soon to be plummeting share prices by breaking into their computer. By investing $41,000 in stock potion trading on the shares that were about to drop […]
Uber Spammer Alan Ralsky Back In The News
[ad] Ah so Mr Alan Ralsky one of the biggest spammers of all-time is back in the news after his indictment with 10 others for running a large scale spam operation intended to inflate stocks artificially. At one time it was thought Mr Ralsky and his friends were responsible for the majority of the spam […]