I personally received the following direct message on Twitter from someone I know quite well:
hey! check out this funny blog about you…
It’s a link to a fake blogspot URL that redirects to a phishing URL for Twitter, it looks the same as the real login page but the actual URL is:
http://twitterblogs.access-logins.com/login (WARNING THIS IS A PHISHING SITE)
If you visit the page you’ll see a Phishing warning from Firefox.
Later on I also received the following DMs on Twitter.
hey look at this funny blog http://rosalierebyb.blogspot.com/
fixed it.. hehe here is that blog i wanted to show you
You’ll notice in the last one that they have moved to using the direct Phishing URL rather than the blogspot as Google closed down the blogspot account used for Phishing.
It seems quite widespread meaning a lot of people have fallen for this and there are a lot of compromised Twitter accounts out there.
There’s some good info on the whole thing here:
If you have received any of the above or similar direct messages from anyone on Twitter do let them know and inform them they should change their password ASAP.
SANS/ISC have also mentioned it here:
Twitter/Facebook Phishing Attempt
And the folks over at Twitter have blogged about it too:
navin says
How stupid do U have to be if U sign in to a site whose URL is
http://twitterblogs.access-logins.com ??
but it simply shows tht skiddies will phish even sites tht have no monetary value
P.S. Its become a facebook phishing site now……. Roughly at 5:50 PM Indian Standatd Time………hahahahahaha …..a facebook phishing site at http://twitterblogs.access-logins.com ……I repeat, how stupid do U have to be to sign into this!!
Note: when U try to sign in, it redirects to facexbook.com which is another phishing site
Bogwitch says
You’ve got to think about all the people that got computers for Christmas, that’s a huge amount of fresh, virginal users that have never been phished before.
As for the lack of monetary value, once the attackers have a reasonable number of accounts under their control, it becomes a lucrative spamming channel or malware distribution network. It could also prove to be an effective bank phishing attack network – you did mention that the users clicking on the link fall into the gullible category!
navin says
U mean something like:
“moving with the times Bank of America has decided to use twitter to supply banking information to their customers
Kindly login to your account at http://www.phishsite.com”
whoa…..U think 1024 characters would actually trick people??
navin says
someone with a twitterholic rank of 15 got phished
Rick Sanchez of CNN
read abt it http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10131251-36.html
Bogwitch says
I think that 1024 characters is way too many for many users.
Given that there are 1,463,632,361 Internet users, and assuming that only 1% of them are gullible, and only 1% of that 1% are stupid (can we call them retarded?) and assuming that only 0.1% of them have XYZ bank accounts, a phishing campaign could net 146 victims. Now, I think the two 1% figures is understating the problem somewhat….
eM3rC says
God, it seems like hackers seem to be hitting up every form of social networks. First its the google groups (orhut?), then myspace, facebook, and now twitter :P
Also, the spam business has a yearly income of around ~401 billion US dollars. I guess some people are that oblivious regardless of how obvious the scam is…
tekkaus says
I think we are too vulnerable nowadays! ;D Not safe anywhere especially the net.