Everybody has a favorite shell; not so many under Windows as there are under Linux, but anyway…
As most will tell you there favorite shell under Linux would be bash, as under Windows not really having what to chose from they would say cmd.exe (ok, bash can be used under Windows via cygwin, if I remember well).
But if you remeber well I wrote an article a while back about PowerShell, and so it seems that nowadays Windows users have a brand new shell which at some points can be quite impresive…
Anyway this article was ment to compare bash – PowerShell, but rather than doing that I would advice you to take a look on Wikipedia Comparison of computer Shells; this way you can decide which shell is the best (suitable) for you…
P.S. PowerShell being a freshly developed shell may have some glitches, as I found one some time ago NetCat & PowerShell -> disaster
Pantagruel says
I started using bash shell some odd 15 years ago and haven’t switched since. It might not be able to cover all available options but once proficient you tend to stick with it (you might also call me downright lazy for not trying more suitable shells).
Cygwin works quite nice on the windows platform but you can just as well use a cd/dvd based linux distro to get a real shell.
I have tried Ch shell for windows and was quite impressed (www.softintegration.com) but could be bothered to rewrite the bunch of scripts I use on a regular basis.
zupakomputer says
Well! That is interesting & helpful both. And to think some folks aren’t up on some .NET dev tools being any use for making games! There’s certainly the features you’d want for that listed for Power Shell.
And for some other things too ;like darknet topics.
Also, there’s a linux interface for at least some .NET tools…..I keep thinking, as I’m trying to recall its name, that it is something like mono..but I might be thinking of the firewall there.
Haven’t used much bash meself, but it seems pretty intuitive once you get used to it. Intend to / hope to get around to more of that. Still pretty much covers all you need.
I think the Bourne movies are refering to bash/sh in their titles; those older hacker guides where they’d always tell you to get a unix shell account for free-anonymity.
backbone says
zupakomputer you said it right… it’s called Mono!