[ad] A new worm has hit Google’s Orkut and it seems to be hitting it pretty hard, it’s infected via the scrapbook feature and is adding hundreds of thousands of users, similar to the Myspace worm (Samy) that hit in October 2005. It seems to be fairly unmalicious, more of a ‘look at me – […]
Malware Outbreak During New Year – Dref-V and Trojan downloader Tibs-jy
[ad] Social Engineering again, someone praying on xmas spirit and good will to spread their filthy malware. It quite often happens during festive times, someone hatches a new worm and sends it out packaged as a jolly xmas card or game. A significant worm outbreak over the new year festivities has put paid to the […]
New MSN Worm Hitting Users – BlackAngel.B
[ad] Well this week there was a Yahoo! Email worm, now also follows a vindictive new worm targetting MSN called BlackAngel.B. The reports come from the anti-virus software company Panda Software. When activated the worm delivers a fateful terror message and then attempts to disable any protection software such as anti-virus, firewall or Windows system […]