Windows Rootkits are a big rarity in this modern web hacking tehnology… I won’t speak exactly about rootkits, because it’s impropriate to call them that way… why? Well rootkits are programs that aid you in getting access to root level users… So in the case we are using Windows rootkits we should call them admkits […]
Norton Antivirus Funny Bug
[ad] the following exploits (if we can call it this way) was published on securityfocus bugtraq mailinglist… it is entirely reproduced in the following lines: Norton Internet monitoring tools issues Versions Affected : * Fix : No What im writing about is how to stop the internet of some user that is using the norton […]
mIRC Backdoor
Well it’s not really a backdoor… but we can consider it one… Some time ago it apeared on many websites (including mine) an article about a backdoor in mIRC… all this backdoor stuff was really nothing more than a mIRC script that by it’s mean made the client to respond at any command received via […]
UK Wants Backdoor in Next Version of Microsoft Windows
Yes that’s right, big brother wants a backdoor in your operating system even MORE of a reason to use Open Source alternatives that we can audit ourselves eh? There has been talk of such things in the past, US government backdoors in common cryptography algorithms and now talks of backdoors in the most popular OS […]