We all love Patch Tuesday – no doubt about that right? Well Microsoft has blessed us this month with the biggest Patch Tuesday in the history of the program. That’s a good thing because it’s had some horribly effective vulnerabilities revealed lately. It managed to package up a massive bundle of patches for 64 vulnerabilities […]
Microsoft Open Source Security Tool – !exploitable Crash Analyzer
[ad] Finally Microsoft is doing something proactive and perhaps even slightly ahead of the game, a real game-change for the security community. They have released a new AND open-source tool to make debugging easier, it gives developers a lot of help during the release cycle to build more secure software. Mostly because it takes the […]
MSF eXploit Builder – Free Win32 Exploit Development Platform
The MSF eXploit Builder (MSF-XB) is a free win32 application (GUI) that wants to be an Exploit Development Platform. The main goal is to speed up the exploit development process, this is accomplished by using the powerful functionalities and neat design of The Metasploit Framework. MSF-XB automatically generates MSF compliants exploits modules. What is an […]