There have been multiple mentioned of ISIS using encryption and ‘encrypted messaging systems’ in the news reports since the Paris incident, it turns out they mostly mean Telegram. Which we’ve only mentioned once before, when they got pounded by an epic DDoS attack. Now it turns out, ISIS has a whole help desk infrastructure set-up […]
Don’t Sweat or Scratch Your Face Whilst Flying
[ad] If not the magic camera in the sky might think you are a terrorist and a squad of crack F16s might be dispatched to blow up your plane.. Don’t go to the toilet too often too, or walk around too much…or do anything really. Better just sit in your seat with a blank expression […]
Police to Monitor Indian Cyber-Cafes
[ad] It seems India are getting serious about terrorist activities being co-ordinated via the Internet, they are starting to run extremely deep surveillance on many cyber-cafes in Mumbai. The solution appears to be some kind of ‘legal’ trojan system that will collect logs and send them to the police The Mumbai police will soon have […]
France Complaining of China Hacks Too
[ad] After the recent fiasco about the Pentagon being Hacked by Chinese Military another few governments have piped up with information about cyber surveillance by China. The latest is France. It seems like right now china has it’s fingers in many pies. France has become the fourth country to speak out against hackers in China […]
Pentagon Hacked by Chinese Miltary
[ad] The details are still a bit shaky, but this news has been making the rounds. Apparently the the hack attack in June on the Pentagon may have been carried out by the Chinese Military (People’s Liberation Army). One senior US official said the Pentagon had pinpointed the exact origins of the attack. Another person […]