So yah, it’s been quite a year – not long after Heartbleed and then Shellshock we now have POODLE SSLv3 vulnerability. Yes, that’s right – POODLE. It is actually an acronym this time though, yay (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy). Is it a huge risk? Not really as it doesn’t allow any type of remote […]
ssl exploit
Heartbleed Bug SSL Vulnerability – Everything You Need To Know
Introduction So the Internet has been exploding this week due to the Heartbleed Bug in OpenSSL which effects a LOT of servers and websites and is being hailed by some as the worst vulnerability in the history of the Internet thus far. The main info on the bug can be found at In basic […]
SSLyze v0.6 Available For Download – SSL Server Configuration Scanning Tool
SSLyze is a Python tool that can analyze the SSL configuration of a server by connecting to it. It is designed to be fast and comprehensive, and should help organizations and testers identify misconfigurations affecting their SSL servers. Features SSL 2.0/3.0 and TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 compatibility Performance testing: session resumption and TLS tickets support Security testing: […]
Microsoft Fixes SSL Spoofing Renegotiation Bug
Well this flaw was first publicized in November last year, it was successfully used against Twitter in the same month. IETF completed the SSL vulnerability fix in January this year and now in August – 10 months after the original release of the flaw – Microsoft has stepped up and fixed it. The fix is […]
Boffins Crack OpenSSL Library Using Power Fluctuations
[ad] Now this is a very interesting technique, as far as I know I’ve not seen anything similar to this before. It’s like a rather bizarre meld of hardware hacking and software exploitation using cryptographic algorithm cracking techniques. Some rather smart fellas have found a way to extract the private SSL key from a device […]