Just-Metadata is a tool that can be used to gather IP address metadata passively about a large number of IP addresses, and attempt to extrapolate relationships that might not otherwise be seen. Just-Metadata has “gather” modules which are used to gather metadata about IPs loaded into the framework across multiple resources on the internet. Just-Metadata […]
InstaRecon – Automated Subdomain Discovery Tool
InstaRecon is an automated basic digital reconnaissance tool which is great for getting an initial footprint of your targets and discovering additional subdomains. In basic terms, it’s an automated subdomain discovery tool for the information gathering phase of penetration tests. There are other tools which cover some parts of the InstaRecon functionality such as: – […]
SHODAN – Expose Online Devices (Wind Turbines, Power Plants & More!)
SHODAN is a search engine that lets you find specific computers (routers, servers, etc.) using a variety of filters. Some have also described it as a public port scan directory or a search engine of banners. Web search engines, such as Google and Bing, are great for finding websites. But what if you’re interested in […]
theHarvester – Gather E-mail Accounts, Subdomains, Hosts, Employee Names
theHarvester is a tool for gathering e-mail accounts, subdomain names, virtual hosts, open ports/ banners, and employee names from different public sources (search engines, pgp key servers). Is a really simple tool, but very effective for the early stages of a penetration test or just to know the visibility of your company on the Internet. […]