So sadly, but also unsurprisingly ‘123456’ is still the most common password for 2015 (based on leaked password lists) the same as it was in years before, e.g. The 25 Worst Passwords Of 2013 – “password” Is Not #1. Way back in 2006, it clocked in at number 5 in a rather UK centric look […]
Pipal – Password Analyzer Tool
Pipal is a password analyzer tool that can rapidly parse large lists of password and output stats on the contents. Pipal will provide you with stats on things like the most frequently used password, password lengths, dates (months/days/years) or numbers used, the most common base words and much more. It also makes recommendations based on […]
Microsoft Says You SHOULD Re-use Passwords Across Sites
Ok so we constantly tell people not to reuse passwords across sites, because if they are stored in plain text (and leaked) those naughty hackers now have your e-mail address AND your password and can wreak havoc on your life. Which is pretty much true, but Microsoft disagrees and there is some validity to what […]
The 25 Worst Passwords Of 2013 – “password” Is Not #1
The worst passwords of 2013 – really, more like the most common. The majority come from the massive Adobe leak, which contributed over 40 million passwords and skewed the data a fair bit pushing “photoshop” and “adobe123” into the list. Most of them are no surprise though, we published the top 10 most common passwords […]
The Top 10 Most Common Passwords
A pretty interesting article that statistically measured the frequency of passwords by taking an aggregate sample of passwords (primarily from the UK). Here are listed the most commonly occurring from the sample. 10. ‘thomas’ (0.99%) First off, at number 10, is the most common format of passwords – the name. Thomas is a perennially popular […]