Now it was only last month when everyone was wrapped up in the MS12-020 RDP Exploit Code In The Wild issue. As it turns out, Microsoft have been hiding some more serious security issues under the carpet. Apparently attackers are already exploiting the MS12-027 flaw in ActiveX in the wild – although Microsoft of course […]
out of band patch
Hackers Exploiting Latest Adobe Flash Bug On Large Scale
It’s very out of character for Adobe – but they’ve actually released two out of band patches in the last week or so. They’ve had to patch 4 times in the past 2 months – that’s a total of 6 times in 2011 so far – with 5 out of those 6 being for critical […]
Adobe Promises Patch For Flash 0-day Being Used In Targeted Attacks
With all the new vulnerabilities with working exploits pouring out of Pwn2Own, I can’t say I expected to see another 0-day in Adobe Flash outside of the contest. It wasn’t that long ago (back in October 2010) when there was another Critical 0-day Vulnerability In Adobe Flash Player, Reader & Acrobat and Adobe were scrambling […]
Microsoft Confirms Windows Zero Day Bug In Shortcut Files
This is a pretty nasty attack and for once Microsoft have actually acknowledged and confirmed this is a critical unpatched vulnerability. Incidentally Microsoft also recently retired Windows XP SP2 from the support cycle, and this vulnerability effects that system and they have stated they will not be patching it. It’s a pretty serious bug and […]
Microsoft Releases Out-Of-Band Patch For IE 0-Day Vulnerability
[ad] Ah Microsoft is treating this one seriously after France and Germany advised users to avoid IE. The current strain being exploited only targets IE6 users, but one security company has developed an exploit for IE8 which also bypasses DEP (Data Execution Prevention). It was rumoured this was the exploit used last week to compromise […]