[ad] This is a tool that performs version fingerprinting on Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008, using well known techniques based on several public tools that identifies the SQL Version. The strength of this tool is that it uses probabilistic algorithm to identify the version of the Microsoft SQL Server. The “Microsoft SQL Server […]
CLR and SQL Server 2005
[ad] Microsoft has taken a bit of a leap with the integration of .net into SQL Server, and a lot of developers(Myself included) are worrying about what security implications this could have. DevX.com have taken an in-depth look into the guts of it, and spilled them onto a page for us all to look at. […]
My SQL2005 Diary – Part 2
[ad] So over a month down the line, our SQL2005 upgrade project should now be in the workable prototype stage. But as with all things that “should” be(More security in IE, Great Britain ruling the world and my kitchen being fitted), it’s not, it’s not even close. On top of this our company is currently […]
My SQL2005 Diary – Part1
[ad] At the place I pretend to work, the time has come that most developers equally fear and love, upgrade time. We’ve been using MSSQL2000 for 90% of our work for about 4 years now, and it’s served us well, but when a change as big as 2005 server comes along, you have to make […]
Whos is tonyenkiducx? Who the hell are you?
[ad] Im a tinkerer. I can’t say I’m expert in anything more than ASP and MSSQL, but I make a point of playing and learning anything new and wanky. I’ve tweaked dBase, fiddled with Python, installed Apache, destroyed MS2003 server, plugged in SUN boxes, screamed at VisualStudio, urinated on Fedora, set fire too Game Maker, […]