It seems that 2016 has been the year of immense DDoS attacks, many coming from Mirai. This seems to be a newcomer though ending the year with a 650Gbps DDoS attack. The Dyn DNS DDoS attack that some speculated reached over 1Tbps was probably the biggest, but this isn’t that far behind and it’s bigger […]
The Dyn DNS DDoS That Killed Half The Internet
Last week the Dyn DNS DDoS took out most of the East coast US websites including monsters like Spotify, Twitter, Netflix, Github, Heroku and many more. Hopefully it wasn’t because I shared the Mirai source code and some script kiddies got hold of it and decided to take half of the US websites out. A […]
Mirai Source Code for DDoS Malware Bonet Leaked
So there’s been some HUGE DDoS attacks going on lately, up to 620Gbps and the Mirai source code DDoS Malware bonet has been fingered – with the source code also being leaked. It’s spreading like wildfire too, and the scariest thought? All that was really needed to construct it was a telnet scanner and a […]