[ad] The Remote Exploit Development Team is happy to announce the release of BackTrack 4 Beta. In this latest version of BackTrack 4 there have been some conceptual changed and some new and exciting features. The most significant of these changes is the expansion from the realm of a Pentesting LiveCD towards a full blown […]
nUbuntu Development Kicking Off Again – Security LiveCD
[ad] We did mention nUbuntu long ago in our famous 10 Best Security Live CD Distros (Pen-Test, Forensics & Recovery) article. After that it stopped development for quite some time, thankfully some new blood has picked it up and development has started again! With over a year of inactivity, the latest alpha of nUbuntu 8.04 […]
BackTrack 3 Final Hacking LiveCD Released For Download
If you don’t know, BackTrack 3 is a top rated linux live distribution focused on penetration testing. With no installation whatsoever, the analysis platform is started directly from the CD-Rom and is fully accessible within minutes. Back in January we mentioned the BackTrack Live Hacking CD BETA 3 was released, at last the final version […]
OSWA Assistant – Wireless Hacking & Auditing LiveCD Toolkit
The OSWA-Assistant is a no-Operating-System-required standalone toolkit which is solely focused on wireless auditing. As a result, in addition to the usual WiFi (802.11) auditing tools, it also covers Bluetooth and RFID auditing. Using the toolkit is as easy as popping it into your computer’s CDROM and making your computer boot from it! This toolkit […]
Russix – LiveCD Linux Distro for Wireless Penetration Testing & WEP Cracking
It looks like it might be time to update our very well received list of the 10 Best Security Live CD Distros (Pen-Test, Forensics & Recovery) since we have Russix now and Backtrack new version is on the way out. Russix is a Slax based Wireless Live Linux. It has been designed to be light […]