So another data breach, and no surprise here, but another dating site. This time the Leak has exposed 1.1 million customer records, including 15 million private messages sent between users. Not so private now is it. And no surprise either the entry point for this leak, was the not-so excellent NoSQL database MongoDB which […]
winAUTOPWN v2.8 Released For Download – Windows Auto-Hacking Toolkit
I wanted to post this a while back, but the site (and thus the download) was down again – it seems to be a common occurrence. Someone get this guy some proper hosting! winAUTOPWN and bsdAUTOPWN are minimal Interactive Frameworks which act as a frontend for quick systems vulnerability exploitation. It takes inputs like IP […]
winAUTOPWN v2.7 Released – Windows Autohacking Tool
I’ve always been skeptical about this tool, especially seen as though the first version was released on April Fools day in 2009, anyway it’s 2 years later now and it still seems to be around so I think it’s worth publishing an update. If any of you have actually tested this tool out, do drop […]
Malicious PDF Files To Exploit iPhone & iPad Zero Day In The Wild
Well everyone has been waiting for a Jailbreak for the iPad 2 with the latest version of iOS – it happened and only hours later the malformed PDF files that were used in the exploit were circulating the Internet. It’s not the first time this has happened, last time jailbreakme did the same thing back […]
Mozilla Increases Security Bug Bounty To $3000
There’s been a number of bounty programs in the past year or so with Mozilla being one of the forerunners with their Mozilla Security Bug Bounty Program. There are others like Google offering rewards for bugs in Chrome, and other specific high profile bounties like when Microsoft Offered $250K Bounty for Conficker Author. Mozilla on […]