It’s been a while since we’ve written about sqlmap, the last time was when 0.7 was released back in July 2009 – sqlmap 0.7 Released – Automatic SQL Injection Tool. Well sqlmap 0.9 has been released and has a considerable amount of changes including an almost entirely re-written SQL Injection detection engine. For those that […]
Database Hacking
SQLInject-Finder – Intelligent SQL Injection Detection Script
SQLInject-Finder is a simple python script that parses through a pcap and looks at the GET and POST request data for suspicious and possible SQL injects. Rules to check for SQL injection can be easily added. Output can be printed neatly on the command line or in tab delimited format. The output includes: The suspicious […]
Exploit Next Generation SQL Fingerprint (ESF) – MS-SQL Server Fingerprinting Tool
SQL Server fingerprinting can be a time consuming process. It involves a lot many trial and error methods to fingerprint the exact SQL Server version. Intentionally inserting an invalid input to obtain a typical error message or using certain alphabets that are unique for a certain server are two of the ways to possibly fingerprint […]
sqlninja v0.2.5 Released – Microsoft SQL Server (MS-SQL) SQL Injection Vulnerability Tool
[ad] It’s been 2 years, but a new version of sqlninja is out at Sourceforge, we wrote about the previous release back in 2008 and we’ve actually been following this tool since 2006! Sqlninja is a tool to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its […]
sqlmap 0.7 Released – Automatic SQL Injection Tool
[ad] We’ve been following sqlmap since it first came out in Feburary 2007 and it’s been quite some time since the last update sqlmap 0.6.3 in December 2008. For those not familiar with the tool, sqlmap is an open source command-line automatic SQL injection tool. Its goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL […]