Some clever boffins including Internet software pioneer djb have gotten libgcrypt cracked via a Side-Channel attack which has to do with the direction of a sliding window carried out in the library. Patches have already been released so update your Linux servers ASAP, even though honestly it seems like a fairly theoretical attack (this side-channel […]
Researchers Crack 4096-bit RSA Encryption With a Microphone
So this is a pretty interesting acoustic based cryptanalysis side-channel attack which can crack 4096-bit RSA encryption. It’s been a while since we’ve seen anything hardware based, and RSA 4096 is pretty strong encryption, I wonder how they figured this one out. It makes sense though when you think about it, although I wouldn’t have […]
Just Crypt It – How To Send A File Securely Without Additional Software
I’m pretty sure everyone has to send files to someone else online at some point, I’ve found myself having to do it quite often. And there’s always a quandary when it comes to sending something that is somewhat confidential. How do you secure it in transit? We generally have a few options – 1) Passworded […]
CIAT – The Cryptographic Implementations Analysis Toolkit
The Cryptographic Implementations Analysis Toolkit (CIAT) is a compendium of command line and graphical tools whose aim is to help in the detection and analysis of encrypted byte sequences within files (executable and non-executable). It is particularly helpful in the forensic analysis and reverse engineering of malware using cryptographic code and encrypted payloads. This was […]
Mediggo – Tool To Detect Weak Or Insecure Cryptosystems Using Generic Cryptanalysis Techniques
Mediggo is an opensource cryptanalysis library. This library implements generic cryptanalysis techniques to detect weak or insecure cryptosystems or learn and practice with cryptanalysis. This library is open source (LGPL licence) and written in C programming language. Samples and test cases are provided with each techniques: the solution is not always given to make people […]