[ad] So no big surprise here, malware is getting more malicious! It’s good to know though and it’s good that companies out there like Messagelabs, under the watchful eye of Symantec, are trying to measure what is going on in malware land. The malware/worm landscape has always been a fast moving one and my guess […]
Storm Worm Descends on Blogspot
[ad] It seems like spammers, scammers, phishers and now malware authors are starting to leverage blogs more and more, especially Blogger/Blogspot as Google tend to be quite slow in responding and sometimes don’t respond at all. This makes it an ideal platform for dodgy behaviour as the crooks have adequate lead time to con/infect people […]
TimeWarner DNS Hijacking IRC Servers to Stop DDoS Attacks
[ad] An interesting happening this week, some ISP’s have been jacking the DNS entries for certain IRC networks to crack down on zombie/bot infections. Is it ethical? Should they be doing this to their users? I first got wind of this from a post on Full Disclosure mailing list from an IRC network administrator. You […]
Bot Infections Surges to 1.2 Million
[ad] I have noticed an increase in Spam activity lately, especially in Spam blog comments there has been a noticeable surge in the frequency and number. That’s why we’ve implemented stricter measures against spammers on Darknet and our other sites. It seems there has been a big raise in the number of bot infected systems, […]
Moving Ahead in the War Against Botnets
[ad] This effort started quite a long time ago, I was just checking up to see how they were getting on, but there’s not much news of their progress. perating under the theory that if you kill the head, the body will follow, a group of high-profile security researchers is ramping up efforts to find […]