[ad] This is not the first time Apache.org has been hacked, it was comprised back in September 2009 using SSH keys. This time another targeted attack against the site was successful and allowed the attackers to capture the passwords of users logging into the bug-tracking service. It also exposed the entire password list, which sadly […]
YASAT – Yet Another Stupid Audit Tool
[ad] YASAT (Yet Another Stupid Audit Tool) is a simple stupid audit tool. Its goal is to be as simple as possible with minimum binary dependencies (only sed, grep and cut). It do many tests for checking security configuration issue or others good practice. It checks many software configurations like: Apache PHP kernel MySQL OpenVPN […]
WSGW – Web Security Gateway for Secure Apache
[ad] The Web Security Gateway is a security-centric distribution of the Apache web server, bundled with additional security modules, and configured as a front-end (reverse) HTTP proxy. The goal is to mirror most of the features of commercial web application “firewalls”, with free and Open-Source software. The Web Security Gateway provides a configurable caching, authentication, […]
mod_anti_tamper – Anti Tamper Module for Apache 2.x
[ad] What Is Mod AntiTamper (AT) AntiTamper is an Apache 2.x module that could be used to prevent some sort of url and cookie tampering. Specifically, AT could stop a lot of those malicious bots that take advantage from search engines. Moreover, attack techniques like HTTP Response Splitting and session hijacking/fixation will be mitigated. Is […]
gotroot modsecurity Rules for Apache – Anti-spam and Security
[ad] To follow on from Whitetrash which I posted about previously, here is another tool to secure your web site or web application. Essentially it’s a very comprehensive set of rules for mod_security. ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications (or a web application firewall). Operating as an Apache […]