Cangibrina is a Python-based multi platform admin dashboard finder tool which aims to obtain the location of website dashboards by using brute-force, wordlists, Google, Nmap and robots.txt
It is multi-threaded, supports modifying your user agent, using a TOR proxy, custom dorks, Nmap integration and can use both DuckDuckGo and Google.
Cangibrina Admin Dashboard Finder Requirements
- Python 2.7
- mechanize
- PySocks
- beautifulsoup4
- html5lib
- Nmap
Cangibrina Usage to Find Admin Dashboards
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
usage: [-h] -u U [-w W] [-t T] [-v] [--ext EXT] [--user-agent] [--tor] [--search] [--dork DORK] [--nmap [NMAP]] Fast and powerful admin finder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u U target site -w W set wordlist (default: wl_medium) -t T set threads number (default: 5) -v enable verbose --ext EXT filter path by target extension --user-agent modify user-agent --sub-domain search for sub domains instead of directories --tor set TOR proxy --search use google and duckduckgo to search --dork DORK set custom dork --nmap [NMAP] use nmap to scan ports and services |
There are other specific tools in this area like WPScan for WordPress and DruPwn for Drupal – and in those cases the dashboard URLs are already known.
You can download Cangibrina here:
Or read more here.