INURLBR is a PHP based advanced search engine tool for security professionals, it supports 24 search engines and 6 deep web or special options. Very useful for the information gathering phase of a penetration test or vulnerability assessment.
This tool functions in many ways enabling you to harness the power of what’s already indexed by the search engines and analyse your target for potential exploits, capture E-mails and URLs with internal custom validation for each target/URL found.
Also supports external commands for exploitation, so if your scan/search finds a potential validated SQL Injection vulnerability, you could have INURLBR directly launch sqlmap or your tool of choice.
- Generate IP ranges or random_ip and analyse the targets.
- Execute external commands to exploit certain targets.
- Generate random dorks or set dorks file.
- Option to set proxy manually or from a file list.
- Supports both SOCKS and HTTP proxies
- Set time for proxy change when using random.
- Supports TOR to randomise IP.
- Debug processed URLs & HTTP requests.
- Can send vulnerable URLs to an IRC chat room.
- Support for GET / POST => SQLI, LFI, LFD injection exploits.
- Filter and validate based on regexp.
- Extraction of e-mail addresses and URLs.
- Validation using HTTP response codes.
- Search pages based on strings file.
- Exploits commands manager.
- Paging limiter on search engines.
- Beep sound when a vulnerability is found.
- Use text file as a data source for URLs to test.
- Find personalized strings in return values of the tests.
- Checks and validates for Shellshock.
- File validation for the WordPress config file – wp-config.php.
- Can execute a sub-process for validation.
- Validate syntax errors for databases and programming.
- Data encryption as native parameter.
- Random Google host.
- Scan port.
Search Engines/Methods Supported
- Google / (CSE) generic random / API
- Bing
- Yahoo! BR
- Ask
- HAO123 Br
- Google (API)
- Lycos
- UOL Br
- Yahoo! US
- Sapo
- Dmoz
- Gigablast
- Never
- Baidu BR
- Andex
- Zoo
- Hotbot
- Zhongsou
- Hksearch
- Ezilion
- Sogou
- DuckDuckGo
- Boorow
- Google (CSE) generic random
- Tor Find
- Elephant
- Torsearch
- Wikileaks
- Shodan
Errors Checked For
- Java Infinitydb
- Zimbra mail
- Zend framework
- MariaDB
- Jbossweb
- Microsoft
- PostgreSQL
- WordPress
- Web Shell
- Oracle
- DB2
You can download INURLBR by cloning the Github repo:
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git clone inurlbr |
Or read more here.