GetAltName it’s a little script to discover sub-domains that can extract Subject Alt Names for SSL Certificates directly from HTTPS websites which can provide you with DNS names or virtual servers. It’s useful in a discovery phase of a pen-testing assessment, this tool can provide you with more information about your target and scope. Features […]
information gathering tool
dcrawl – Web Crawler For Unique Domains
dcrawl is a simple, but smart, multithreaded web crawler for randomly gathering huge lists of unique domain names. How does dcrawl work? dcrawl takes one site URL as input and detects all a href= links in the site’s body. Each found link is put into the queue. Successively, each queued link is crawled in the […]
snitch – Information Gathering Tool Via Dorks
Snitch is an information gathering tool which automates the process for a specified domain. Using built-in dork categories, this tool helps gather specified information domains which can be found using web search engines. It can be quite useful in early phases of penetration tests (commonly called the Information Gathering phase). snitch can identify general information, […]
DMitry – Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/(GNU) Linux Command Line program coded purely in C with the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host. DMitry has a base functionality with the ability to add new functions, the basic functionality of DMitry allows for information to be gathered about a target […]
INURLBR – Advanced Search Engine Tool
INURLBR is a PHP based advanced search engine tool for security professionals, it supports 24 search engines and 6 deep web or special options. Very useful for the information gathering phase of a penetration test or vulnerability assessment. This tool functions in many ways enabling you to harness the power of what’s already indexed by […]