Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be light weight, easy to use and full of vulnerabilities to exploit. Used to learn or teach the art of web application security.
- SQL Injection
- XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
- LFI (Local File Inclusion)
- RFI (Remote File Inclusion)
- Command Execution
- Upload Script
- Login Brute Force
- Added Acunetix scan report.
- All links use http://hiderefer.com to hide referrer header.
- Updated/added ‘more info’ links.
- Moved change log info to CHANGELOG.txt.
- Fixed the exec.php UTF-8 output.
- Moved Help/View source buttons to footer.
- Fixed phpInfo bug.
- Made DVWA IE friendly.
- Fixed html bugs.
- Improved README.txt and fixed typos.
- Made SQL injection possible in sqli_med.php.
It should come as no shock..but this application is damn vulnerable! Do not upload it to your hosting provider’s public html folder or any working web server as it will be hacked. It’s recommend that you download and install XAMP onto a local machine inside your LAN which is used solely for testing.
You can download DVWA 1.0.4 here:
Or read more here.
Superman says
lol… It’s vulnerable for expert like you but not beginners like me :p
Jeff Price says
Lol, those are all very old exploits,
brute force, since computers came out
command execution, who doesn’t know to use ; then command
file inclusion, does anyone really use this? Page=/etc/passwd comeon now
sql injection- old hat, only caused by programmers who don’t know what they are doing. They have a whole escaping system just for sanitizing inputs.
upload- yeah upload your own shell to run remote commands, i think
would work just fine
xss – inject code into the page, what is your name? bob<javascript blah blah blah send cookie to website blah blah blah
can be done with javascript: from address bar by rewritting variables.
lets see stuff mroe like buffer overflows, snmp traps, hping, nmap. Not more or less script kiddy stuff.
Lets see gdb
Jeff Price says
:( it striped out the php code i placed between i think and would work just fine, if you need it email me at staxjp\ \[ @ \] gmail.com
ethicalhack3r says
@Jeff Price
“Lol, those are all very old exploits,
brute force, since computers came out
command execution, who doesn
Jeff Price says
@Ryan, the first post I put I has put an example php shell, simple just using get [ ‘cmd’ ] and then using the system command, used for the file upload section so site would be host/uploaded/cmd.php?cmd=ls
Now that I read back on it I sounded mean. I acctually wish I had something like this when I started out. Good Job. I will give a new version a try.
Buffer overflows, now just for web services, rpc services, smtp, and yes apache still has the occasional buffer overflow in the server itself.
It is still surprising how many sql injections there still are. new releases of php stop them be default without using the escaping function.
If anything, it opens peoples eyes alittle more to what vulnerabilities really are.
rio says
read the the goddamn name… it’s written “DAMN” vuln… off course it’s really vuln… if you know something about nmap, buffer overflow, bla..bla… then why you don’t write your godDAMN own… :)
It seem you are kiddie that act like an expert… haha… sorry
ethicalhack3r says
Just a quick update to let everyone know that DVWA has a new home and that we will be releasing the new shiny version (1.0.5) soon!
HackTalk says
@Jeff dude saying that LFI isn’t a valid method for web app hacking shows your ignorance. LFI can be used to poison Apache logs and allow the hacker RCE. As for putting BoFs in web apps, it really is quite impossible. If you want to hack the backend though, please, go ahead and enlighten us with your skills by finding the Apache 0day or the litespeed http 0day