So I’ve got a VPS set-up for Darknet, it’s not quite a dedicated server or a co-lo but it’s pretty close and it’s much more affordable!
Can’t beat a bit of root access so I can rysnc things off to another box.
The box will be backed up off-site every day anyway, and I’ll pull back-ups daily to a local box here.
The server is up and prepped, everything is installed. I’m just tweaking it a bit now and I’ll probably move the site over during the coming weekend.
It should be noticeably faster for most people as it’ll be moving back to North America from Asia where it’s temporarily hosted currently.
Sandeep Nain says
Great stuff darknet, I’m sure it will make your life much more tension free… and the “power of root” in hand will be just awsome.
I hope you never face “system failure issues” again..
squishy says
Congrats on the new hosting. I enjoy your site! So much to learn and so little time. I appreciate the time and money it takes for you to share what you find.
Take care,
fazed says
When I get my host set up
I’ll give you free VPS with root
access if you want, all I would ask
is that you recomend us to other people..
Sir Henry says
I would love to move to a VPN on my host, but do not want to shell out the $$ for it. But, the “power of root” is enticing, just not fully necessary at this moment in time.
Sir Henry says
meant VPS, not VPN. It is evident that I have been doing too much with VPNs as of late.