The US Congress recently approved a bill that will make it illegal to spoof Caller ID in the USA.
A while back the FCC announced the wanted to crack down on Caller ID spoofing as it was still too easy.
The amount of the forfeiture penalty (…) shall not exceed $10,000 for each violation, or 3 times that amount for each day of a continuing violation, except that the amount assessed for any continuing violation shall not exceed a total of $1,000,000 for any single act or failure to act.
The title of the act is “A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to prohibit manipulation of caller identification information”
It was introduced on February 28, 2007 and updated 27th June 2007.
You can find the full text here.
The short name “Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007”.
Source: Library of Congress
Brian says
Please keep in mind that I have not read the full text of this act, however I am curious if this will mean for call centers or VOIP users specifically that can be targeted as it is a common, even a neccessary feature of a soft-PBX.
Also since the government will not require the TELCOM’s to include any additional technologies to begin addressing the issues with caller ID spoofing, just how do they expect to enforce this? Just by happen-chance the FBI/police detect an occurence?
Again this is another example of the in-eptitude of the government to be able to address the real issues at hand.
CK76 says
So instead of telcos making it harder to spoof caller ID, the the government just passes a law saying it’s illegal to mess with it.
Because, you know, once it’s illegal, people will stop spoofing caller ID.
TheRealDonQuixote says
@ CK76 and Brian
I think that its been pretty obvious since Ted Steven’s “Series of Tubes” speach, that the US govt knows nothing about the internet or the community that it has created. All they care about is money, same as the telco’s. Who do you think paid them to pass this steaming pile of $4!7??
On a totally different note, does this bring back memories of “phreaking” for anyone else? You know, tone dialers, assorted colored boxes etc?? Those were phun days.
Sandeep Nain says
Huh.. so US government is trying to be smart by putting this legislation. But as Brian mentioned, Will call centres or offices using PBX system be able to comply with it?
I wish them good luck for implementing this law thouroughly…
TheRealDonQuixote says
I was thinking about this today as I saw a call coming in and it was “Caller ID Blocked”. I think this is a form of spoofing, because the number is there, its real, but it has been changed. That is spoofing. Its changing the number that should appear to something else.
Who does this? Freaking telemarketers!! There are some people who block their caller ID for business purposes other than being annoying freaks. Are the telco’s and the US govt going to come down on that??? I doubt it.
This is stupid, money grubbing, palm greasing US politics. Representative democracy my butt.
Nobody_Holme says
yay for British politicians… we won’t get this kind of rule through for at least 6 months… *sigh*
Sandeep Nain says
Will this rule apply to call centres located overseas ?? Probably not..
Brian says
This wouldn’t have jurisdiction over seas so it wouldn’t effect those nefarious call centers.
My issue with this bill (in addition to many other US government policy’s) is the arrogance on behalf of our “elected leaders” on such topics, yet the obvious complete lack of understanding.
I have not followed the development of this bill close enough to state “this is what they should have done”, but to be honest it’s not my job either. Until fat cat lobbyists leave the hill, we will probably continue to see these sorts of developments continue … sadly.
Sandeep nain says
Yes brian.. this is very sad that these politicians do not consider all the aspects before making a law… I really wish if they could think outside the box (ballot box)….
its nothing but a vote bank politics where politicians are just trying to make people feel that they are working to improve the situation so that they can attract more votes in next elections…