Since Ubuntu is getting so fantastically popular nowadays I thought this might be useful to some of you.
I personally think Ubuntu is great, the features, ease of installation, stability and especially the work they have done on things like wireless drivers make it a breeze to get up and running.
It is a pretty secure distro by default, but there are a few little things you can do to tighten it up.
If you don’t know what Ubuntu is you can check it out here:
Ubuntu is a community developed, linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need – a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.
If you wan’t to get into Linux I suggest you try this and Mandriva first.
Anyway recently I found a good security guide for Ubuntu, so run through the steps and lock your OS down.
If you’ve recently switched from Windows to the Linux distribution Ubuntu, you’ve probably experienced a decrease in spyware — and malware in general — on your system. But although Ubuntu is billed as the ultra-secure solution, you should know that even though Ubuntu’s default install has its flaws, like every other operating system.
Sandeep nain says
well its been more than 7 months I have been using ubuntu and im sure it will make me forget how windows look like….
–A BIG FAN OF ubuntu
SN says
TheRealDonQuixote says
Thanks for the info on securing ubuntu, I’m sure this will help me on my quest to make a BackTrack on Kubuntu pentesting suite!!
I’m still working on putting all the pentesting tools from BackTrack2 on a Kubuntu distro, has to be Kubuntu cause BT is all KDE. The only tricky part is making Slax based apps work (correctly) in kubuntu linux 7.04 (feisty fawn). Oh that and I need a buttload of time.
One question, Will this help with the alleged mDNSresponder exploits?
Keep up the good work!!
Sandeep Nain says
Correct me if I am wrong, I believe mDNSResponder exploit is related to apple and not UBUNTU (Linux).
If i have misunderstood your question, Can you please rephrase your question?
TheRealDonQuixote says
Sandeep – I have been researching the alleged Rape.osx worm as well as the iPhone exploits from exploitingiphone.com.
I found that there are some linux apps that use mDNSResponder. We all know that Mac OS X is really a solid unix core, there are probably alot of open source projects, like rendevous (it uses mDNSresponder) that find their way to linux repos.
I was just wondering if anyone had found some similar vulnerable code in the basic Ubuntu or Kubuntu distros?
TheRealDonQuixote says
Oh, I forgot. If you could read this little article I wrote on the Rape.osx and the iPhone exploits and tell me what you think or if you know anything that I haven’t found. I am running into walls all over the place trying to find some solid information on the mDNSresponder variant, but I am sure that it all comes back to Safari and how the system as a whole handles connections to WiFi. But I got nothin.
Here’s the link: MAC OS X HACKING
The link is too long to cut and past so I sure hope the HTML sticks. Or you could just click on my name and go to my blog. Its the first story on there.
Sandeep Nain says
Nice article TRDQ.. Good work
thanks for sharing…
i’ll try to see if UBUNTU uses mDNSResponder in any ways and post it here…
TheRealDonQuixote says
Sweet! Thanks Sandeep!!
Sandeep Nain says
anytime TRDQ :)