Towards the end of last year Cafepress.com came under heavy DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service) which took it down for some time.
The problem with DDoS attacks is there’s not much you can do to prevent it, if that guy has enough zombies resulting in enough bandwidth, you are going down.
DDoS attacks have gotten pretty ingenious in the last couple of years due to the online extortion games going on.
In a statement to store owners, Jill Ambrose of CafePress.com said the targeted attack had resulted in “significant service interruptions”.
“As of right now some customers have access that appears normal, some have intermittent access, and some have no access at all. We will continue to update the CafePress Community Forum (http://forums.cafepress.com/eve) as we have more to share, and we urge you to check there for the most recent information,” she said. “We do consider this an attack on CafePress, but we’re most disturbed at how this victimises our community of Shopkeepers.”
I wonder who they pissed off this time?
The motive and source of the attack remain unclear. CafePress.com said it was “working with the proper authorities” in trying to resolve and investigate the source of the attack. CafePress.com handles the website hosting, order fulfillment and payment processing on behalf of various store owners.
Distributed denial of service attacks are used by hackers to disrupt the operation of websites by flooding sites with spurious traffic from zombie computers in an attempt to make them inaccessible to the general public. Experts at net security firm Sophos speculate that the hackers may have deliberately targeted CafePress.com in the run-up to the holidays, a prime shopping period.
Well it seems like site is still slow now, I’m not sure if they are still being attacked or not.
As a side note, to see if anyone actually reads what I write…would anyone be interested in buying some l33t t-shirts if I set up a Darknet Cafepress store?
Source: The Register
Andrew says
Be wary. Art uploaded to Cafepress becomes their property, according to their EULA or usage agreement.
Carl says
> would anyone be interested in buying some l33t t-shirts if I set up a Darknet Cafepress store?
anything to remove those annoying Google ads which seem to have arrived!