GoLISMERO helps you to map a web application, displaying the results in a readable format for security auditors and also prepares the results for integration with other web hacking tools as w3af, wfuzz, netcat, nikto, etc. Features Map a web aplication. Show all links and forms params as confortable format. Save results with some formats: […]
web site security
Burp Suite v1.3 Released – Integrated Platform For Attacking Web Applications
[ad] Burp Suite is an integrated platform for attacking web applications. It contains all of the Burp tools with numerous interfaces between them designed to facilitate and speed up the process of attacking an application. All tools share the same robust framework for handling HTTP requests, persistence, authentication, upstream proxies, logging, alerting and extensibility. Burp […]
MultiInjector v0.3 Released – Automatic SQL Injection and Defacement Tool
[ad] You might remember a while ago we posted about MultiInjector which claims to the first configurable automatic website defacement tool, it got quite a bit of interest and shortly after that it was updated. Anyway, good or bad I think people deserve to know what is out there. Features Receives a list of URLs […]
MultiInjector – Automated Stealth SQL Injection Tool
[ad] MultiInjector claims to the first configurable automatic website defacement software, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing – or a bad thing. But well here it is anyway. Features Receives a list of URLs as input Recognizes the parameterized URLs from the list Fuzzes all URL parameters to concatenate the desired payload once […]