There seems to be a trend towards malware on the Android platform that extorts money from the user somehow, either through premium SMS or services – or the latest trojan – which covertly purchases apps from the mobile market. We first wrote about Android Antivirus software from Symantec back in 2010 and it seems like […]
trend micro
Hotmail Exploit Has Been Silently Stealing E-mail
We haven’t reported a whole lot about Hotmail over the years, probably because since Gmail took over – Hotmail has mostly taken a backseat. The most recent report we had was about SSL and how Hotmail Always-On Encryption Breaks Microsoft’s Own Apps. The latest news is there has been a nasty bug in Hotmail for […]
China Policy Could Shut Out Foreign Security Firms
China catches a lot of flack in the infosec World, mostly for being suspected of cyber-terrorism and for propagating nasty malware. Lately things have been getting more political especially during their tussle with Google over the whole ‘search freedom’ issue and censorship. The latest is that they are starting to check for compliance on a […]
New Argument Switch Attack Bypasses Windows Security Software
[ad] There’s been a lot of highly technical and most theoretical attacks lately, academic season really is in full swing. This is a very neat attack which is being labeled somewhere between catastrophic and mildly annoying depending on who you ask. It effects most of the major Anti-virus vendors, it’s called an argument-switch attack and […]
Security Software Moves to Consoles – Web Filtering for PS3
[ad] Ah it seems some companies are having the same idea as me, consoles might well be the next infection vector for zombie style botnets, they have good processing power, the current generation has ample hard-drive space and they are network connected. The difference with consoles is they tend to be turned off when not […]