Sony hasn’t always had the best of times when it comes to being hacked, back in 2011 Sony basically had to rebuild the PlayStation Network (PSN) because of a hack which rendered the service off-line for almost a whole week. Plus the fact the PSN hack could have leaked up to 10 million user accounts […]
sony psn
Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) Reopens In Asia
Finally! My friends over in this hemisphere can finally stop whining and get back on PSN! We’ve been covering this whole Sony Hack quite extensively over the past few weeks and this should be the final part of the network coming back online. Asia is the last segment of the PlayStation Network to come back […]
Sony Brings Back PSN & Gives Away Freebies After Hack
We’ve been following the Sony PlayStation Network hack quite closely since back in April when we reported Sony Rebuilding PlayStation Network (PSN) – Down 4 Days So Far. Shortly after that it got a bit ugly with Sony PlayStation Network Hack Resulted In Stolen User Data & Lawsuit and then another hack, which lost an […]
Sony PlayStation Network Hack Resulted In Stolen User Data & Lawsuit
So after our report on Monday – Sony Rebuilding PlayStation Network (PSN) – Down 4 Days So Far – news had been spilling out about this whole thing pretty much non-stop. It appears the network is still down and there was some serious data loss including user data for millions of users being stolen. All […]
Sony Rebuilding PlayStation Network (PSN) – Down 4 Days So Far
There’s been a few big stories in the past few days, one is of course the whole iPhone geo-location data tracking thing – but everyone was too busy checking into Foursquare to complain about that. The other is that the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) basically got hacked, owned and raped. It’s still currently down and […]