Now this is not the first time Windows UAC has hit the news for being flawed, back in February 2009 it was discovered that Windows 7 UAC Vulnerable – User Mode Program Can Disable User Access Control and after that in November 2009 it was demonstrated that Windows 7 UAC (User Access Control) Ineffective Against […]
TDL AKA Alureon Rootkit Now Infecting 64-Bit Windows 7 Platform
As we’ve come to expect, the malware guys are always at the leading edge of technological development. Now there are rootkits infecting 64-Bit versions of Windows, which have been thought of as fairly safe by most parties. The rootkit in questions is a fairly well known variant (TDL/Alureon) and has been around for several years, […]
Microsoft Leaves Users Waiting For Black Screen Of Death Fix
[ad] The news this week has been a flaw in Microsoft‘s all versions of Windows labeled as the “Black Screen of Death”, they did acknowledge the problem a few days ago (in a roundabout way) but basically said it wasn’t their fault and it wasn’t widespread. The blame is currently being passed around and as […]
BBC Unleashes Botnet For ‘Investigation’
[ad] The BBC has made an odd move recently by buying/seeding a botnet of 22,000 computers under the guise of investigative journalism. They claim it’s not illegal as they caused no harm and only sent spam to e-mail accounts used by themselves. Technically I think it’s still breaking the law under the Computer Misuse Act […]