SSA (Security System Analyzer) is free non-intrusive OVAL-Compatible software. It provides security testers, auditors with an advanced overview of the security policy level applied. Features : OVAL-compatible product SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) Perform a deep inventory audit on installed softwares and applications Scan and map vulnerabilities using non-intrusive techniques based on schemas Detect and […]
SSA 1.5.1 Released – Security System Analyzer an OVAL Based Scanner
[ad] A new version of SSA (Security System Analyzer) has been released – version 1.5.1. SSA is a scanner based on OVAL, the command line tool provided by MITRE is not very easy to use so the guys at Security Database decided to write a GUI to make it simple to use and understand and […]
SSA 1.5.1 – Security System Analyzer an OVAL Based Scanner
[ad] Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) is an international, information security, community standard to promote open and publicly available security content, and to standardize the transfer of this information across the entire spectrum of security tools and services. OVAL includes a language used to encode system details, and an assortment of content repositories held […]