Have you ever spent ages trying to find the results of a particular portscan you were sure you did? Or grepping through a bunch of files looking for data for a particular host or service? Or copy-pasting bits of output from a bunch of typescripts into a report? We certainly did, and that’s why we […]
external command execution
MagicTree v1.1 Released For Download – Pen-Testing Productivity Tool
If you aren’t aware (yes we wrote about MagicTree v1.0) what MagicTree is.. Think of it this way, have you ever spent ages trying to find the results of a particular portscan you were sure you did? Or grepping through a bunch of files looking for data for a particular host or service? Or copy-pasting […]
MagicTree v1.0 Released – Productivity Tool For Penetration Testers
We wrote about MagicTree back in January of this year when it was first launched – MagicTree – Penetration Tester Productivity Tool . It’s come quite a long way and the authors are happy to announce that MagicTree version 1.0 has been released and is available for download. MagicTree is a productivity tool for penetration […]
MagicTree – Penetration Tester Productivity Tool
MagicTree is a penetration tester productivity tool, it allows easy and straightforward data consolidation, querying, external command execution, and report generation. In case you wonder, “Tree” is because its stores all the data in a tree, and “Magic” because it is designed to magically do the most cumbersome and boring part of penetration testing – […]