Scallion is a GPU-driven Onion Hash Generator written in C#, it lets you create vanity GPG keys and .onion addresses (for Tor’s hidden services) using OpenCL.
Scallion runs on Mono (tested in Arch Linux) and .NET 3.5+ (tested on Windows 7 and Server 2008)
Scallion was used to find collisions for every 32bit key id in the Web of Trust’s strong set demonstrating how insecure 32bit key ids are.
At a high level Scallion works as follows:
- Generate RSA key using OpenSSL on the CPU
- Send the key to the GPU
- Increase the key’s public exponent
- Hash the key
- If the hashed key is not a partial collision go to step 3
- If the key does not pass the sanity checks recommended by PKCS #1 v2.1 (checked on the CPU) go to step 3
- Brand new key with partial collision!
The basic algorithm is described above. Speed/performance is the result of massive parallelization, both on the GPU and the CPU.
Dependencies for Onion Hash Generator
To run Scallion successfully you need:
- OpenCL and relevant drivers installed and configured. Refer to your distribution’s documentation.
- OpenSSL. For Windows, the prebuilt x86 DLLs are included
- On windows only, VC++ Redistributable 2008
Scallion runs on Mono (tested in Arch Linux) and .NET 3.5+ (tested on Windows 7 and Server 2008).
Scallion Usage Onion Hash Generator
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$ mono scallion/bin/Debug/scallion.exe -d 0 prefix Cooking up some delicious scallions... Using kernel optimized from file (Optimized4) Using work group size 128 Compiling kernel... done. Testing SHA1 hash... CPU SHA-1: d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802 GPU SHA-1: d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802 Looks good! LoopIteration:40 HashCount:671.09MH Speed:9.5MH/s Runtime:00:01:10 Predicted:00:00:56 Found new key! Found 1 unique keys. <XmlMatchOutput> <GeneratedDate>2014-08-05T07:14:50.329955Z</GeneratedDate> <Hash>prefix64kxpwmzdz.onion</Hash> <PrivateKey>-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXAIBAAKBgQCmYmTnwGOCpsPOqvs5mZQbIM1TTqOHK1r6zGvpk61ZaT7z2BCE FPvdTdkZ4tQ3/95ufjhPx7EVDjeJ/JUbT0QAW/YflzUfFJuBli0J2eUJzhhiHpC/ 1d3rb6Uhnwvv3xSnfG8m7LeI/Ao3FLtyZFgGZPwsw3BZYyJn3sD1mJIJrQIEB/ZP ZwKBgCTUQTR4zcz65zSOfo95l3YetVhfmApYcQQd8HTxgTqEsjr00XzW799ioIWt vaKMCtJlkWLz4N1EqflOH3WnXsEkNA5AVFe1FTirijuaH7e46fuaPJWhaSq1qERT eQT1jY2jytnsJT0VR7e2F83FKINjLeccnkkiVknsjrOPrzkXAkEA0Ky+vQdEj64e iP4Rxc1NreB7oKor40+w7XSA0hyLA3JQjaHcseg/bqYxPZ5J4JkCNmjavGdM1v6E OsVVaMWQ7QJBAMweWSWtLp6rVOvTcjZg+l5+D2NH+KbhHbNLBcSDIvHNmD9RzGM1 Xvt+rR0FA0wUDelcdJt0R29v2t19k2IBA8ECQFMDRoOQ+GBSoDUs7PUWdcXtM7Nt QW350QEJ1hBJkG2SqyNJuepH4PIktjfytgcwQi9w7iFafyxcAAEYgj4HZw8CQAUI 3xXEA2yZf9/wYax6/Gm67cpKc3sgKVczFxsHhzEml6hi5u0FG7aNs7jQTRMW0aVF P8Ecx3l7iZ6TeakqGhcCQGdhCaEb7bybAmwQ520omqfHWSte2Wyh+sWZXNy49EBg d1mBig/w54sOBCUHjfkO9gyiANP/uBbR6k/bnmF4dMc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- </PrivateKey> <PublicModulusBytes>pmJk58BjgqbDzqr7OZmUGyDNU06jhyta+sxr6ZOtWWk+89gQhBT73U3ZGeLUN//ebn44T8exFQ43ifyVG09EAFv2H5c1HxSbgZYtCdnlCc4YYh6Qv9Xd62+lIZ8L798Up3xvJuy3iPwKNxS7cmRYBmT8LMNwWWMiZ97A9ZiSCa0=</PublicModulusBytes> <PublicExponentBytes>B/ZPZw==</PublicExponentBytes> </XmlMatchOutput> init: 491ms / 1 (491ms, 2.04/s) generate key: 1193ms / 6 (198.83ms, 5.03/s) cpu precompute: 10ms / 6 (1.67ms, 600/s) total without init: 70640ms / 1 (70640ms, 0.01/s) set buffers: 0ms / 40 (0ms, 0/s) write buffers: 3ms / 40 (0.08ms, 13333.33/s) read results: 67442ms / 40 (1686.05ms, 0.59/s) check results: 185ms / 40 (4.63ms, 216.22/s) 9.50 million hashes per second Stopping the GPU and shutting down... |
You can download Scallion here:
Or read more here.