Jack is a Drag and Drop web-based Clickjacking Tool for the assistance of development in PoCs made with static HTML and JavaScript.
Jack is web based and requires either a web server to serve its HTML and JS content or can be run locally. Typically something like Apache will suffice but anything that is able to serve HTML content to a browser will do. Simply download Jack’s contents and open “index.html” with your browser locally and Jack is ready to go.
Alternatively, if you prefer the older UI for Jack, open “oldIndex.html” with your browser for the old UI.
Jack comes with three additional pages; sandbox.html, targetLogin.html and targetRead.html. targetRead.html can be used to demonstrate Clickjacking that reads values from a page and sandbox.html is used to display the Clickjacking demonstration. Jack by default loads the “Read” html page with default CSS and Styles.
Jack allows you to configure a few parameters (X&Y positions, Style tags) that can be used to demonstrate Clickjacking.
You can download Jack here:
Or read more here.