[ad] Back in November there was a considerable drop in Spam when Spam friendly ISP McColo was cut off from the Internet by it’s upstream peer. Srizbi worm was pretty smart though and was picking up again by the end of November. Later in the year the botnets were somewhat neutralised leading to a huge […]
Spam Back on the Rise with Srizbi Resurrected
[ad] After McColo was partially disconnected from the Internet by it’s peers global spam dropped noticeably. It seems however that the spam was emanating from a zombie network and the control servers were hosted by McColo, the creators of the botnet (Srizbi) were smart about it though and built a fail-safe system into the the […]
‘Security Consultant’ Caught for Running Large Bot Network
[ad] Apparently he stopped his naughty activities back in 2006, but still…a guy that is supposed to securing machines was installing malware and had a bot totaling about a quarter of a million zombies. Most used for info gathering, Paypal accounts and installing Malware for comission, he claims to have made $19,000 in a week […]
TimeWarner DNS Hijacking IRC Servers to Stop DDoS Attacks
[ad] An interesting happening this week, some ISP’s have been jacking the DNS entries for certain IRC networks to crack down on zombie/bot infections. Is it ethical? Should they be doing this to their users? I first got wind of this from a post on Full Disclosure mailing list from an IRC network administrator. You […]
Bot Infections Surges to 1.2 Million
[ad] I have noticed an increase in Spam activity lately, especially in Spam blog comments there has been a noticeable surge in the frequency and number. That’s why we’ve implemented stricter measures against spammers on Darknet and our other sites. It seems there has been a big raise in the number of bot infected systems, […]