And another password shocker, a few days after ‘cloud’ password service LastPass was pretty seriously hacked (yah if you’re using it, change your master password) critical 0-day flaws in Apple’s password storing keychain have been exposed. Which is kinda funny, as after the LastPass hack I saw some people espousing the usage of Apple’s keychain […]
GHOST Vulnerability In glibc – Everything You Need To Know
So the big panic in the past week or so has been about this GHOST vulnerability in glibc which under certain circumstances can allow remote code execution (serious business!). So we’ve had Heartbleed, POODLE and Shellshock and now we have awfully cute GHOST. What is it? The CVE for GHOST is – CVE-2015-0235, the technical […]
Microsoft Zero Day OLE Vuln Being Exploited In Powerpoint
So the latest news is, don’t open any .ppt files if you aren’t entirely sure where they came from as there is a Microsoft Zero Day vulnerability in OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) handling in Microsoft Office that is currently being exploited in the wild by malicious Powerpoint slide decks. Not that anyone reading this […]
2 Different Hacker Groups Exploit The Same IE 0-Day
It hasn’t been too long since the last serious Internet Explorer 0-day, back in November it was used in drive-by attacks – Another IE 0-Day Hole Found & Used By In-Memory Drive By Attacks. And earlier last year there was an emergency patch issued – Microsoft Rushes Out ‘Fix It’ For Internet Explorer 0-day Exploit. […]
Another IE 0-Day Hole Found & Used By In-Memory Drive By Attacks
So another IE 0-Day has been uncovered, and is in use in the wild for drive-by attacks on unwitting web users. I have to say, technically speaking, this attack is rather impressive – in terms of the exploit, the delivery method and the way that it runs. It retrieves the PE headers from a DLL […]