Ah Yahoo! in trouble again, this time the news is Yahoo! fined for 35 million USD by the SEC for the 2 years delayed disclosure of the massive hack, we actually reported on the incident in 2016 when it became public – Massive Yahoo Hack – 500 Million Accounts Compromised. Yahoo! has been having a […]
Massive Yahoo Hack – 500 Million Accounts Compromised
So if you are a Yahoo user (which most of us probably have been at some point) you will be aware of the Yahoo Hack – with 200 Million e-mail addresses being up for sale on the black market it seems up to 500 million have been compromised in one of the biggest hacks yet. […]
Yahoo! Spread Bitcoin Mining Botnet Malware Via Ads
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are pretty much headline news every day now, especially with the inflated values (Bitcoin over $1000 recently). We haven’t mentioned them for a long time though, back in 2012 we wrote about Hackers breaking into a Bitcoin Exchange Site called Bitcoinica. There have been plenty of Bitcoin related hacks since then, […]
Yahoo! Voices Hacked With SQL Injection – Passwords In Plaintext
There’s been a few HUGE cases of large sites being hacked and exposing either plaintext or extremely poorly encrypted passwords, it happened to LinkedIn not that long ago – and the latest case is of Yahoo!. It wasn’t the main site, but with almost half a million username and password combos exposed – it’s a […]
yahoo password grabber
[ad] Phishers never give up, password theft protected pages? But what about password protected messenger application… No more to say check it out (lame)… Link :: www.ourgodfather.com Another Yahoo anti-phising (did you know?): zahoo.com (also yahoo, for the ones that have inverted keyboard y-z)