[ad] There hasn’t been a viral outbreak of this scale for quite some time, Conficker or Downadup as it’s known was only fairly recently discovered (Oct 2008) and has already infected an estimated 9 million machines! It’s spreading fast though and it auto-updates itself via downloads from random domains making it almost impossible to stop […]
International Space Station Infected by Virus!
[ad] Now you think they’d know better than having Autorun enabled in the International Space Station? But no, they obviously didn’t and they got owned by some fairly innocuous thumb drive auto-spreader. It wouldn’t really be news if anyone else got infected, but come on this is supposed to the pinnacle of security or something? […]
New Zlob Trojan Alters Your Router Settings
[ad] Another new development in the malware arena, this new version of Zlob will actually log onto your router and change the DNS settings to hijack your traffic. Pretty interesting approach and it will work because 99% of people won’t change the default password on their routers. Let’s face it, have you changed it? A […]
Multilingual Worm Spreads Over MSN Messenger
[ad] Another MSN worm spreading with the same tactics as usual, “Wanna see my pictures before i send em to facebook?” and so on. The only really interesting thing about this worm is it sends the message in the language of the locale installed on the infected machine, this is pretty intelligent and is much […]
Storm Worm Spreading Some Holiday Cheer
[ad] Storm is back in the festive season spreading some xmas and new year love. They even have a new year greeting site ready for spreading New Year related Storm Worm variants. Social Engineering again, people are always more susceptible during holidays, I guess they are happy and less paranoid. The Storm Worm gang are […]