[ad] As you all probably known since version 3 Nessus turned to a proprietary model and started charging for the latest plugins locking most of us out. Now we finally have a new, properly organised forked development with the name of OpenVAS – at last a decent and free Vulnerability Scanner! OpenVAS stands for Open […]
Vulnerability Assessment and Operational Security Testing Methodology (VAOST) – version 0.2 released
[ad] Here is a newly released VA methodology, the author believes it to be more focused, and thus cost effective VA process. It may map to internal work, but it is probably more suited to external sites. It’s gone through a couple of revisions so it’s a bit more polished now. You can find the […]
Veterans Administration Chief Says Laptop Recovered
[ad] Ah, so finally they got it back, from a street corner of all places. Let’s hope they shall be a little more careful in the future yah? The missing laptop and hard drive that contained veterans’ personal information has been found, Veterans Administration Chief Jim Nicholson announced Thursday. The announcement came at the beginning […]