So the U.S. government has been getting fairly hammered lately with breaches/attacks hitting the White House, USPS (Postal Service) and NOAA. The latest victim of this onslaught has been the State Department, which had to totally shut down their email systems on November 14th after discovering various ‘areas of concern’. I wonder who’s going to […]
US Customs Owns Your Data?
[ad] Ok here’s something controversial for you guys to digest, there has been anecdotal evidence of US Customs seizing laptops before and examining the data…but it now seems to be rather more widespread. It’s a little worrying to me how a government can just rummage through your data when you are totally innocent and they […]
Hackers Steal U.S. Government Corporate Data from PCs – AGAIN
[ad] Seems like a social engineering type attack again relying on human ignorance and stupidity. Based around some kind of malware reporting back to a central repository. Remember kids if a deal is too good to be true…it isn’t. Hackers stole information from the U.S. Department of Transportation and several U.S. companies by seducing employees […]
Pentagon E-mail System HACKED
[ad] The Pentagon got owned pretty hard with 1,500 accounts being taken offline due to a hack attack. For once however they did admit the incident and didn’t try to cover it over or brush it off. I guess the amount of attacks they get is exponentially more than other networks…but still, I would have […]
DOE Hit By Hackers and Covered Up
[ad] Ahah! More government cover-ups? This one was a while back too. Digging on those archives right now yah. A hacker stole a file containing the names and Social Security numbers of 1,500 people working for the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons agency, scary eh? The US government security really does scare me sometimes, their internal […]