Twitter has been in the news a lot lately, firstly about their patent filing regarding the pro-active scanning on the web for malware and then the bug bounty going live – which is related to this story. This is a pretty neat Twitter vulnerability that was discovered by someone taking part in the Twitter bug […]
twitter hacked
Twitter onMouseOver XSS Exploit Causes Chaos
The big news yesterday was an epic XSS flaw on Twitter that sent the micro-blogging service into chaos. They actually made an announcement during the hack that users should stay off the web-site and use 3rd party services through the API (Software such as Tweetdeck, Seesmic, Gravity etc). They posted an update on the status […]
Twitter Hack Spreads P*rn Trojan
[ad] I had a spam tweet appear in my stream a while back and like Guy Kawasaki I also had absolutely no idea where it came from. Perhaps some kinda XSS flaw in Twitter when I visited a site that spawned the message (in a hidden iframe perhaps). It wouldn’t be the first time Twitter […]