So there’s been a lot of news lately about the Telegram hack and how 15 million accounts were compromised, which is not technically true. There’s 2 vectors of attack at play here, both of which regard Iranian users, but are not connected (other than the attackers probably being the same group). So the two attacks […]
ISIS Running 24-Hour Terrorist Crypto Help-desk
There have been multiple mentioned of ISIS using encryption and ‘encrypted messaging systems’ in the news reports since the Paris incident, it turns out they mostly mean Telegram. Which we’ve only mentioned once before, when they got pounded by an epic DDoS attack. Now it turns out, ISIS has a whole help desk infrastructure set-up […]
Telegram DDoS Attack – Messaging App Suffers 200GBps Pounding
For those not familiar before we get to the Telegram DDoS attack, Telegram is an instant messaging system focusing on privacy and multi-platform availability. It was launched by the founders of VK, the largest social network in Russia and is run as an independent non-profit company in Germany. The client code is open-source and audited […]