[ad] Some interesting security industry news, it seems like Symantec is really setting itself up to be the Microsoft of the security world. They are buying up anything and everything and merging it into the Symantec borg…things that are successful of course. Their latest acquisition is the popular MessageLabs, a good example of both cloud […]
Hackers Target Home Users for Cash
[ad] Hackers are switching targets now, companies are getting too hard to break into due to the availability of decently configured perimeter kit like firewalls and IDS. Plus the information they do get if they manage to break in is often worthless commercially and really not worth the effort. So instead, they target the end […]
Security Companies Fight Against Microsoft Security Center
[ad] No surprise really? Microsoft and they monopoly strategies, anti-competitive behaviour, nothing new really is it? Microsoft and its security rivals are feuding over a key piece of Windows Vista real estate. The fight is over the display of technology that helps Vista owners manage the security tools on their PC. Symantec, McAfee, Check Point […]
Serious Symantec Anti-Virus Vulnerability
Apparently a gaping security flaw in the latest versions of Symantec’s anti-virus software suite has been discovered that could put millions of users at risk of a debilitating worm attack. According to eEye Digital Security, the company that discovered the flaw, the vulnerability could be exploited by remote hackers to take complete control of the […]
Symantec Dumps L0phtcrack Password Cracker
Man this blows. It seems it happened quite a while ago, I only just found out about it recently though when I was checking to see if L0phtcrack had been updated past version 5. Symantec has quietly pulled the plug on sales of L0phtCrack, the venerable password auditing and recovery application. The decision to discontinue […]